General Terms

General Provisions

These terms and conditions together with the documents referred to within it shall form the agreement (“Agreement”) between WEBFWD LTD of Webforward, The Enterprise Centre, Corporation St, Tamworth, Staffordshire B79 7DN, United Kingdom (“Webforward”) and, the individual or company applying for the provision of services by Webforward (“Customer”).

Webforward reserves the right to change these terms and conditions (“Conditions”) at any time to comply with changes in regulatory requirements or by reason of changes in the terms of business or working practices of our suppliers or developments in technology upon giving Customer not less than fourteen (14) days notice in advance by post, email and/or publishing the alterations on the Webforward website at Notice will be sent to the contact details held by Webforward see Clause 19.

Except where the changes to these Conditions is as a result of legislative or regulatory requirements you may terminate the Agreement without penalty by giving Webforward written notice to reach Webforward no later than seven (7) days prior to the alteration date of the Conditions . If we do not receive such a notice from you prior to that date, and/or if you continue to use the service after sending us a notice, you will be deemed to have accepted the alteration.

If any provision of this Agreement or part thereof shall be void for whatever reason, it shall be deemed deleted and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

Webforward reserves the right to sub-contract any of the work required to fulfill its obligations hereunder.

Neither party shall be liable for any loss suffered by the other party or be deemed to be in default for any delays or failures in performance hereunder (other than in relation to payment) resulting from acts or causes beyond its reasonable control as detailed in Clause 20.

Any delay or forbearance by either party in enforcing any provisions of this Agreement or any of its rights hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or right thereafter to enforce the same.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.


In this Agreement, the below terms will be defined as follows:

Account Control Panel Means the collection of web pages available on the Webforward website at to allow Customers to administrate their Services;
AUP Means Acceptable Usage Policy as defined in Clause 35;
Business Hours Means 09:00 - 17:30 GMT on each Working Day;
Commencement Date Means the date upon which Webforward confirms acceptance of the Customer's offer to pay for the Service in accordance with this Agreement;
Contact Information Means the following details about an individual or organisation:

  • Your name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number(s)
  • E-mail address
Contacts Individuals or organisations identified by their Contact Information as stored by Webforward;
Correspondence Address Means the Webforward postal as stated on the Webforward websites contact page /my-account/submitticket.php;
Confidential Information Information which is identified as confidential or proprietary by either party or the nature of which is clearly confidential or proprietary;
Data Material Distinct pieces of machine readable information which can be in the form of images, text (on websites and e-mail), software, collection of software codes and scripts, and any other machine readable information used in connection with the Services by the Customer or as supplied by Webforward;
Domain Privacy Protector Service that protects Customer Contact Information being displayed in the publicly accessible WHOIS;
Fees The fees (including any VAT) due for the provision of the Services as calculated in accordance with the Price List;
Inappropriate Material Material that under the laws of any jurisdiction where the material can be accessed is any of the following: - unlawful, threatening, abusive, harmful, malicious, obscene, pornographic, is deemed Unacceptable Adult Material, profane, libellous, defamatory, breaches the rights (including without limit IPRs) of any third party, constitutes or encourages a criminal offence or contains a virus, worm, trojan horse or other harmful code;
Initial Term Is the period stated in the first Order for the Service starting on the Commencement Date;
Netiquette Means generally accepted standards for use of the Internet such as but not limited to sending bulk unsolicited Email, spamvertising, mail bombing, misrepresenting the holding of third party authorisation and impersonating another person;
Offers Discounts and/or promotions that apply to Services offered by Webforward that may affect the Fees and/or the features for the Service;
Order Means the Customers application for the Services through an Order Form or by adding items to their shopping basket and proceeding to the checkout phase. Completion by Customer indicates which Service it requires and its agreement to these terms and conditions governing such provision;
Order Confirmation The Order confirmation notices submitted by Webforward to the Customer by email or otherwise in writing for the provision of the Services, in response to the Customer's Order or request;
Party Webforward and/or the Customer;
Price List The price for each Service as available on the Webforward website;
Renewal Term Successive terms after the Initial Term of the Service for the period stated in the subsequent Order for the Service starting from the end of the Initial Term;
Server The computer server equipment operated by Webforward in connection with the provision of the Services;
Services The services identified in an Order to be provided by Webforward to the Customer including without limitation Hosting Services, Servers, details of the requested Data Transfer, Hardware, Storage Space and Software pursuant to these terms and conditions and any others specified by Webforward on such Order;
System The collection of hardware and software configured together that are interacting or interdependent;
UDRP Means Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy
Unacceptable Adult Material Includes any nudity, erotic images, sexually oriented material, or sexual themes;
Website Website on the World Wide Web accessible over the HTTP protocol;
WHOIS A publicly accessible database that store the registered assignees of domain names
WHOIS Information Contact Information that is displayed in the publicly accessible WHOIS
Working Day Means a day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which the Clearing Banks in the United Kingdom are open to the public for the transaction of business;


The Agreement forms the entire understanding of the parties in respect of the matters dealt within it and supersedes all previous agreements, understandings and negotiations between the parties.

The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

In this Agreement words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa and words denoting any gender include all genders.

The words “include”, “includes”, “including” and “included” will be construed without limitation unless inconsistent with the context.

References in these Conditions to clauses means clauses of these Conditions.

References in these Conditions to the provisions of statutes or statutory instruments are deemed to include those provisions as amended or substituted.

Provision of Services

  1. The Services are described or referred to on the Order Confirmation. Webforward agrees to supply Services to the Customer when the Customer places an Order for Services with Webforward and makes payment for such Services on the Website.
  2. Webforward shall supply the Services to the Customer in accordance with this Agreement, as soon as it is reasonably practicable and with all reasonable endeavors to do so in a timely manner. Webforward shall not be liable to the Customer should it fail to meet any time scale expectation of the Customer.
  3. Webforward shall inform the Customer of any delays to the Services as soon as it is reasonably practicable and shall provide the Customer with the possibility of a full refund of any Fees already paid by the Customer for Services rendered where it is unable to deliver the Services within thirty (30) days from the Commencement Date.
  4. Webforward reserves the right at any time and from time to time to amend, improve or correct the Services (or any part thereof) provided that such modification does not materially affect them. Webforward shall endeavor to give the Customer reasonable notice of such modifications but this may not always be possible and Webforward shall not be liable to the Customer or to any third party for any such modification or any failure to give such notice.
  5. Webforward may at its sole discretion suspend the provision of the whole or any part of the Services (temporarily or permanently) without notice or liability in order to repair, maintain or improve the Service or infrastructure, or in an emergency, or as the result legislative, regulatory or other changes. Webforward shall endeavor to give the Customer reasonable notice of such alteration taking effect, but cannot always guarantee to do so.


  1. The Initial Term and any subsequent Renewal Term of the Agreement shall begin on the date that Webforward generates an Order Confirmation e-mail message to Customer announcing the activation or continuation of the Customer's Service (the "Commencement Date") and shall continue for the period stated in the Order.
  2. At least sixty (60) days prior to the expiry of a Service, Webforward will remind the Customer of the impending expiry by email to the then current address specified on the Customer default account pursuant to Clause 19. Webforward will further remind the Customer at thirty (30) days, fourteen (14) days and seven (7) days of the impending Service expiry. The Service will lapse unless payment is received to extend the term of the Service, subject to Clauses 8 and 11. Webforward will not be liable for non-renewal of the Service.
  3. Upon expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive terms of the same length as the Initial Term ("Renewal Term") unless Webforward or Customer provides the other with written notice of non-renewal at least fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or the then current Renewal Term or disables auto renew via the Customer Account Control Panel, as applicable.
  4. The Agreement (and any subscription for Services) may be terminated early by the Customer or Webforward pursuant to Clauses 11 and 12 of these Conditions.


  1. All Fees quoted are subject to UK VAT at the rate of 20% unless otherwise stated.
  2. The Customer agrees to make payment for the Services by debit or credit card payment at the time of making the order or renewal.
  3. Fees are payable as specified in the specific Conditions relating to the Service in question and are due on an ongoing basis until this Agreement is terminated.
  4. The monthly or yearly Fees payable to Webforward will be paid in advance and will not be refundable in whole or part if the Agreement or relevant part is terminated during the period to which the payment relates.
  5. Additional Fees will become payable to Webforward if the Customer exceeds agreed or stipulated bandwidth use levels as specified in the specific Conditions relating to the Service in question.
  6. The Customer acknowledges that the provision of the Services is conditional on Webforward receiving payment of the Fees in full. In the event of non payment of Fees or suspected fraudulent activity in relation to payment of Fees by the Customer, Webforward will:
    • Be entitled to charge interest on a daily basis on the overdue amount and on outstanding interest from the date of such failure until payment (until judgement) at an annual rate 4% above the base rate for the time being in force of Barclays Bank plc.
    • Suspend the Service until payment is made in full, and/or
    • Suspend administration of the Service and/or account
    • Terminate the Agreement in whole or in part and cease providing the Service
  7. Non-delivery or non-performance of services by any third party other than Webforward's sub-contractors shall not give Customer any right to delay any payment to Webforward or to make any claim whatsoever against Webforward.
  8. All prices may be increased subject to the base rate of inflation as calculated by the Bank of England. Customers will be given thirty (30) days notice by post, email and/or publishing the alterations on the Webforward website at
  9. Where the Customer authorises payment of any of the Fees by credit and or debit card then Webforward may deduct other amounts becoming payable to it under the Agreement from that credit or debit card without obtaining additional authorisation from the Customer. For the avoidance of all doubt the Customer credit or debit card details will be stored on Webforward's systems for the duration of the Agreement unless explicitly removed by the Customer.
  10. Customers who have set user pricing will receive discounts on either the percentage off discount of the non user pricing product price or the difference of the discount between the non user pricing product price and their set user pricing. The highest discount value will be applied in this case.
  11. Customers that exceed the data transfer amount allocated as part of the Service will be charged at GBP 0.02 per MB


  1. Pre-Orders cannot be cancelled, are non-transferrable and cannot be substituted, regardless of any financial consideration that Webforward may have taken in deposit for a Pre-Order.
  2. Bulk pricing on Pre-Orders will only be applied on a per Order basis, and will not be accumulated across all Pre-Orders placed. Bulk pricing discounts will apply to each item within the Customer's Order, regardless of the Domain Name Webforward secure for the Customer.
  3. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that when making a Pre-Order the Customer's nominated payment card in the Customer's account will be charged up to ten (14) days before provisioning of the Service so that the Customer's Order can be processed.
  4. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it is the Customer's responsibility to keep stored payment details up to date and accurate for the period prior of the provisioning of a Pre-Orders and that the Customer's Pre-Order will not be completed without a successful payment.
  5. A refund will be made for unsuccessful Pre-Order items except for non-refundable application Fees.


  1. Webforward operates a default auto-renew policy on all new Services, designed to ensure continuity of service.
  2. Customers can opt out from auto-renew and manage their auto-renew settings via their Account Control Panel.
  3. All Services automatically renewed shall be for the same period as their initial or renewal term. These periods are configurable for most Services in the Account Control Panel.
  4. Customers with active auto-renew for Services will be sent notification of auto-renew (28) days prior to Service expiry by email to the current address specified on the Customer default account.
  5. Webforward shall charge the credit or debit cards held in the Customer's account for auto-renew (21) days prior to the Service expiry. In the event the payment fails, we will notify the Customer via email to the then current address specified on the Customer default account. It will be the Customers responsibility to make alternative payment arrangements for the renewal of Services.
  6. It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that they have valid up-to-date credit or debit card details assigned to their account to use the auto-renew facility.
  7. The Customer agrees that they are solely responsible for ensuring that their Services are renewed and that Webforward shall have no liability to the Customer or any Third Party in connection with the renewal, including, but not limited to, any failure in the renewal process.

Monthly Services

  1. All monthly Services will automatically be set to Auto Renew. The Customer is responsible for canceling the Service if it is no longer required.


  1. Unless otherwise stated, promotion codes will apply to new Orders only.
  2. Refunds of a promotion code that discounts the Fee for an Order cannot be offered retrospectively, Customers must use the promotion code when purchasing an applicable product during checkout.
  3. Following the conclusion of a promotional offer and/or code, new and or renewals of the Services will be charged at the standard Fee and this Fee is subject to change.
  4. Unless otherwise stated, promotion codes can be used multiple times per Customer account.
  5. Only one promotion code can be used per Order.
  6. Webforward reserves the right to end Offers, extend Offers and or amend the terms and conditions of Offers at any time without the prior notice or consent of the Customer.
  7. Where more than one type of discount could apply to the Order, Webforward will apply the discount that results in the greatest saving, this applies to all promotions and bespoke Customer pricing.
  8. Reasonable usage applies

Termination and Suspension

  1. This Agreement can be terminated by Webforward upon notice in writing to Customer having immediate effect if:
    1. Customer is in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement, including the AUP;
    2. if the Customer fails to pay to Webforward any sum due under the Agreement on the due date for payment;
    3. the supply of the service and/or additional services to the Customer may (in Webforward's reasonable opinion) expose us to the risk of litigation or other civil or criminal proceedings;
    4. becomes the subject of a voluntary arrangement under section 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986;
    5. is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986;
    6. has a receiver, manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed over all or any parts of its undertaking, assets or income;
    7. has ceased or threatened to cease to trade.
  2. In the event that any of the circumstances identified in Clause 11.1 arises, Webforward shall be entitled to retain any sums paid to it by Customer hereunder and recover any sums due to it pursuant hereto whether invoiced or not at the date of termination.
  3. The Agreement can be terminated by the Customer:
    1. at the renewal date by not renewing the Service;
    2. with immediate effect on giving us written notice of termination, if we are in material breach of any obligation under the Agreement and, where we can remedy that breach, have failed to do so within thirty (30) days of receiving notice from you specifying the breach and requiring its remedy; and/or
    3. on a change to the terms and conditions, by serving Webforward notice in accordance with Clause 19.
  4. The Customer acknowledges that, termination of the Agreement for any reason will result in Webforward ceasing to provide the applicable Services, with all the consequences that flow from such cessation, including (but not limited to), deletion of data e.g. hosting account(s) and mailboxes.
  5. In the event of termination of the Agreement by the Customer part way through the Initial Period, the Customer remains obliged to pay for Services for the remainder of that period.
  6. Webforward may at its sole discretion suspend the provision of the whole or any part of the Services (temporarily or permanently) without notice or liability if:
    1. the Customer fails to pay any Fees or any other sums owing to Webforward by the Customer when they fall due;
    2. if an event occurs and Webforward determines in its sole discretion that suspension is necessary to protect all and any internet solutions provided by Webforward from time to time;
    3. failure or deficiencies in the Customer System referring but not limited to hardware, server corruption and security breaches;
    4. failure by the Customer to adhere to any of the provisions outlined in the AUP.
  7. Where Webforward suspends provision of the Services in accordance with Clause 11.6, it will only be obliged to reactivate the Service during Business Hours and once the Customer has paid all relevant outstanding Fees


  1. Customers that have purchased the Services as Consumers, for the purposes of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, have the right to cancel the Agreement within seven (7) days at no additional cost from either:
    1. the date the contract is formed;
    2. the date that the Customer receives confirmation that the contract is formed from Webforward or whichever is the later.
    For the purposes of this clause, the date the contract is formed shall be the date that the Customer presses the 'Make Payment' button thereby granting consent that the Service commences.
  2. The Customer can exercise their right to cancel by contacting Webforward in writing in accordance with Clause 19.
  3. The Customer will no longer have the right detailed in Clause 12.1 once Webforward has commenced the Service with the Customer's consent. For the purposes of this clause the Customer's consent will be deemed to be given upon the Customer pressing the 'Make Payment' button.
  4. If the Customer does not wish to waive these rights, then Webforward will be unable to commence the Service until the end of the relevant cooling off period which is seven (7) days.
  5. Webforward will not refund to the Customer the cost of registering or renewing a domain name after the Customer has consented to Webforward commencing the Service and the domain name has already been registered or renewed with the appropriate registrar.

Customer Authorisation and Obligations

  1. The Customer agrees that it will:
    1. ensure that all its communication details which are provided to Webforward are at all times true, current, accurate and complete and the Customer shall promptly notify Webforward of any such alterations thereto from time to time and the Customer acknowledges that Webforward shall not be liable for any costs, damages or loss which the Customer may suffer or incur as a result of failure to notify such changes to Webforward;
    2. obtain the consent of individuals whose personal data are to be held on a domain name register or are otherwise provided to Webforward;
    3. ensure that it has all necessary consents, permissions and licences to make use of the Services including without limit registration under the Data Protection Act 1998 and any applicable licence requirements under the Communications Act 2003;
    4. immediately notify Webforward if it becomes aware of any unauthorised use of all or any of the Services;
    5. not use the Services or allow them to be used for any unlawful purpose or for the publication, linking to, issue or display of any Inappropriate Material whether under English law or regulation, the laws or regulations of the Customer country or any other place where the results of such purpose or such material can be accessed;
    6. not use the Services or allow them to be used for the publication, linking to, issue or display of any material which in the absolute discretion of Webforward may harm Webforward or any of its Customers or bring Webforward into disrepute or may call into question any action taken by Webforward on the Customer's behalf;
    7. not use the Services or allow them to be used in breach of good Netiquette practices or use any service provided by any third party (including without limit an Internet web site and/or Email) for the publication, linking to, issue or display of any material which refers to an Internet web site hosted by Webforward or any other services offered by Webforward from time to time;
    8. ensure that all material on any web site operated by the Customer from time to time or communicated through such site is checked for viruses and other harmful code;
    9. ensure that all passwords are at all times kept confidential, used properly and not disclosed to unauthorised people and if the Customer has any reason to believe that any password has become known to someone not authorised to use it or if any password is being or is likely to be used in an unauthorised way or of any other breach of security then the Customer shall inform Webforward immediately;
    10. be entirely liable for all activities conducted and charges incurred under its passwords whether authorised by it or not and the Customer acknowledges that Webforward shall not be liable for any loss of confidentiality or for any damages arising from the Customer to comply with these Conditions;
    11. not use the Services in a manner which infringes a third party's copyright or other intellectual property rights of whatsoever nature;
    12. not use the Services in any way that leads to a risk of or causes an excessive load on the server/network provided by Webforward in connection with the Services;
    13. comply fully with Webforward's AUP;
    14. be responsible for keeping a frequent and secure offsite back-up copy of all Customer Data Material used with all Services, in addition to any back-up services provided by Webforward;
    15. allow Webforward access to the Customer's Data Material to check for any infringements of the Customer's obligations under this Agreement, and, when the situation necessitates, to remove or disable any such infringements from time to time;
  2. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that to enable Webforward to properly provide the Services it must co-operate with Webforward as required by Webforward.
  3. The Customer acknowledges that in order to make proper use of the Services it should have a basic knowledge of how the Internet functions and what types of use are and are not acceptable. The Customer acknowledges that Webforward shall have no obligation to:
    1. manipulate any material which the Customer wishes to and/or does post on any web site it operates or any communication which it issues or sends in connection with any of the Services;
    2. validate or vet such material for usability, legality, content or correctness.
  4. The Customer authorises the storing of Customer credit or debit card details by Webforward for use in subsequent orders.
  5. The rights and obligations of Customer under this Agreement are personal to Customer and Customer undertakes that it shall not, without the prior written consent of Webforward, assign, lease, charge, sub-license, or otherwise transfer such rights and obligations in whole or in part.
  6. If in Webforward's opinion, the Customer is in breach of the provisions provided in this Clause, then Webforward may by written notice suspend provision of the Service and/or terminate the Agreement.

Webforward Warranties and Liability

  1. Webforward makes no warranties or representations that any Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. Customer accepts all Services provided hereunder "as is" and "as available" without warranty of any kind.
  2. All implied conditions, warranties and terms (whether express or implied by statute, common law, custom or otherwise) - excluding those relating to the exercise of reasonable care and skill, fitness for purpose and satisfactory quality (where applicable) - are hereby excluded in relation to each of the Services to be provided hereunder to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  3. Webforward warrants that it will provide the Services with reasonable care and skill. Webforward will not be liable for a breach of such warranty unless the Customer notifies Webforward in writing of such failure within (14) days of the Customer becoming aware of the failure.
  4. Webforward shall not be liable for any services or products to be supplied by any third party.
  5. Webforward shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by Customer arising out of or in connection with any breach of this Agreement by Customer or any act, misrepresentation, error or omission made by or on behalf of Customer.
  6. Webforward disclaims all liabilities in connection with the following:
    1. loss of material uploaded;
    2. incompatibility of the site with any of the Customer's equipment, software or telecommunications links;
    3. technical problems including errors or interruptions of the site;
    4. unsuitability, unreliability or inaccuracy of the site;
    5. loss of any emails sent to mailboxes of any configuration or sent from email accounts related to Services provided by Webforward.
  7. Webforward is not responsible for any delay, malfunction, non performance and/or other degradation of performance of any of the Services caused by or resulting from any alteration, modification and/or amendments due to changes and specifications requested or implemented by the Customer whether or not beyond those already supplied.
  8. Subject to Clauses 14.9 and 14.10 below, no matter how many claims are made and whatever the basis of such claims, Webforward's maximum aggregate liability to Customer under or in connection with this Agreement in respect of any direct loss (or any other loss to the extent that such loss is not excluded by Clauses 14.1 - 14.7 above, or otherwise) whether such claim arises in contract or in tort shall not exceed a sum equal to twice the Fees paid by Customer pursuant hereto.
  9. None of the clauses herein shall apply so as to restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of Webforward, its employees or its sub-contractors.
  10. Your statutory rights relating to the use of reasonable care and skill in the provision of the service are not affected by the terms and conditions of the Agreement.


  1. Each of the parties agrees (subject to Clauses 15.2 and 15.3) not to:
    1. disclose any Confidential Information received from the other party; or
    2. make any use of any such Confidential Information other than for the purposes of performance of this Agreement.
  2. Each party may disclose Confidential Information received from the other to its responsible employees, consultants, sub-contractors or suppliers who need to receive the information in the course of performance of this Agreement.
  3. The confidentiality obligations under Clause 15.1 shall not apply to any information which:
    1. is or subsequently becomes available to the general public other than through a breach by the receiving party; or
    2. is already known to the receiving party before disclosure by the disclosing party;
    3. is developed through the independent efforts of the receiving party; or
    4. the receiving party rightfully receives from a third party without restriction as to use.


  1. Customer hereby agrees fully to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless Webforward, its officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors and affiliated companies from and against any and all costs, claims, losses, damages and expenses (including, but not limited to, legal fees) sustained or incurred by Webforward or its any of its officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors or affiliated companies directly or indirectly and in any jurisdiction as a result of:
    1. any breach of any of the warranties given by Customer in this Agreement;
    2. otherwise howsoever arising out of the provision by Webforward of any Service hereunder unless on account of breach of contract or negligence by Webforward; and/or
    3. any breach by Customer of any of its obligations in this Agreement.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that it will not own or acquire ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights in or relating to the Services or created in performing the Services and that it will have no rights in or to the Services other than the rights expressly granted by the Agreement.
  2. No Intellectual Property Rights created or acquired by Webforward will transfer or be assigned to the Customer unless Webforward and the Client have signed a written assignment document to that effect.


  1. We are committed to providing our customers with high-quality services, and we want to know if we have got something wrong so that we put things right. If you have a complaint about any aspect of our services, please contact a member of the Webforward team. If you are not fully satisfied with the response and wish to make an escalated complaint, you can follow our procedure below.

    How do I make a formal complaint?

    If you are unsatisfied with the response from our team to your complaint, you can escalate it to our management. To do this, please write to:

    Richard Leishman
    The Enterprise Centre
    Corporation St
    Staffordshire B79 7DN
    or email:

    Please include your name, contact details and a clear description of your concern or complaint and what steps you would like us to take to resolve the issue. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing or via telephone within two working days of receiving the complaint. We will then thoroughly investigate your complaint and aim to respond within five working days. Where the issue is particularly complex, it may take longer to respond. If this is likely, we will provide information on the action which will be taken and advise when you can expect a full response.


  1. Any notice to be given or made by either Party under or in connection with this Agreement must be in writing and given or made to the Customer at its address stated on the Customer Order and/or the address specified on the Customer default account, and to Webforward at its Correspondence Address or to such other address as either Party may from time to time notify to each other.
  2. Every notice, if so addressed as indicated in Clause 19.1 above, is deemed to have been duly given or made, if delivered by hand, upon delivery at the address of the relevant Party, if sent by pre-paid first-class post, (2) calendar days after the date of posting and if transmitted by facsimile, at the time of transmission (provided a confirmatory letter is sent by pre-paid first-class post) provided that, where, in accordance with the above provisions, any notice would otherwise be deemed to be given or made on a day which is not a Business Day or after 4.00 p.m. on a Business Day, such notice shall be deemed to be given or made at 9.00 a.m. on the next Business Day.
  3. The Parties may additionally serve notice on each other by email to:
    1. the Customer's email address as defined on the Customer's default contact details; or
    2. in the case of Webforward, to the Correspondence Address.
    In the event of notice by email transmission, emails shall be deemed sent once transmitted from the relevant email server.

Force Majeure

  1. If Webforward is prevented or delayed in or from performing any of its obligations under these Conditions or the Agreement due to circumstances beyond its control such as but not limited to governmental acts, war, riots, strikes or trade disputes (including by and with our own employees), technical failure, general availability of the Internet, power failure, communications failure, weather, flood, fire or explosion, natural or local emergency Webforward shall not be liable for this.


Domain Name Registration and Renewal

  • Webforward makes no warranty or representation of any kind in relation to the likelihood or otherwise of a particular domain name application being successful because domain name registries retain the right at their discretion to register or refuse to register a domain name applied for by Webforward on behalf of Customer.
  • Customer recognises and accepts that Webforward reserves the right to reject any request by a Customer to register any particular domain name or to discontinue processing such a request if Webforward considers such application might expose Webforward to legal or other proceedings.
  • The extent of Webforward's Service in relation to the registration of domain names is:
    • to forward Customer's application to the appropriate Registry;
    • to provide administrative support in securing the registration;
    • to notify Customer of the outcome of the application.
  • Customer warrants to Webforward that:
    • all information provided by Customer to Webforward is true and correct, and that any additions or alterations thereto in the future will also be true and correct;
    • it has the legal right to apply for and use the domain name(s) as a Website and/or email address; and
    • the domain name(s) and its use as a Website and/or email address does not and will not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or any other rights of a third party.
  • Customer acknowledges that the application process, registration and subsequent use of any domain name will be subject to the rules and policies from time to time of the relevant registry and Customer agrees to abide by all such rules and policies. Accordingly, Customer undertakes to read those rules and policies before applying for a domain name (copies are generally available from the relevant registry's Website and are available from Webforward by fax or post on request).
  • Webforward will notify Customer as soon as is reasonably possible after the registration of a domain name has been effected and Customer shall be responsible for visiting Webforward's Website on receipt of such notification in order to verify that the domain name has been registered correctly and for notifying Webforward immediately if there is any error. For the avoidance of doubt, a successful registration is shown by the domain name being displayed on the WHOIS directory or the registry/registrar as being registered to the Customer.
  • Customer is advised not to take any action in respect of a requested domain name until it has carried out its obligations under Clause 21.6 above and satisfied itself that such domain name has been correctly registered.
  • For the avoidance of doubt and in addition to the provisions of Clause 21.7 above, in no circumstances will Webforward be liable to Customer for any loss of profit, business or anticipated savings suffered by Customer on account of a failure to obtain or loss of a domain name;
  • If Customer's application for a particular domain name is rejected, Webforward will return to Customer any Fees received in respect of that application.
  • The Customer agrees and acknowledges that Webforward will make registration information provided by the Customer in relation to the requested domain, as stated in the Order, available to ICANN, Nominet or any other appropriate registration authority, the registry administrators, and other third parties as applicable laws may require or permit including the police or other enforcement authority.
  • The Customer further acknowledges that Webforward may make publicly available, or directly available to third party vendors, some, or all, of the domain name registration information provided, for purposes of inspection (such as through the WHOIS service) or other purposes as required or permitted by ICANN, Nominet and applicable law.
  • The Customer consents to any and all such disclosures as stated in Clauses 21.10 and 21.11 above, whether during or after the term of registration of the requested domain. The Customer irrevocably waives any and all claims and causes of action arising from such disclosure or use of the domain name registration information by Webforward.
  • The relevant domain name registry will include the names of the Customer and the administrative contact and other details relating to them. This information (if it refers to individuals) is 'personal data' for the purposes of data protection legislation. For .EU domain names changes to this data once it has been entered into the EURid registry will incur a £8.00 (+VAT if applicable) administration fee.
  • Subject to using its reasonable endeavors to contact Customer prior to the domain name registration or renewal date(s) at the email address most recently provided by Customer pursuant to Clauses 8 and 19, Webforward will have no involvement in, or responsibility for Customer's use or retention of a domain name once registered.

Domain Transfer

  1. Where the transfer of any domain name has to be effected by the Customer's new provider, then, subject to the Customer's compliance with the terms of the Agreement, Webforward will co-operate with the new provider to allow the transfer to take place.
  2. Webforward will not transfer a domain name until all Fees attributable to the domain name Services which are due have been paid by the Customer to Webforward.
  3. On receipt of a transfer request, Webforward will use its reasonable endeavors to process the transfer request, but will not be responsible for any delay in effecting such transfer due to acts or omissions of the Customer's current provider or new provider (as applicable) or the registry/registrar.
  4. The domain name has been unlocked (if applicable) and the current provider is aware of, and willing to approve, the outbound transfer.
    1. The domain name has been unlocked (if applicable) and the current provider is aware of, and willing to approve, the outbound transfer.
    2. Submission of a domain name transfer request to Webforward does not guarantee that the transfer will be successful.
    3. Until such time as the Customer receives a transfer completion notice issued by Webforward, management of the domain name(s) being transferred remains the sole responsibility of the Customer. This includes meeting renewal deadlines and paying any amounts owed to the existing provider.
    4. If, after 30 days, Webforward have been unable to transfer the domain name, the transfer will be deemed to have failed. No applicable transfer Fee will be charged. The Customer will need to re-raise the transfer for it to continue.
  5. The Customer acknowledges that all inbound and outbound transfers of gTLDs (com, net, org, biz, info, mobi, tel) are subject to the transfer policies set out by ICANN which can be found here

Domain Privacy

  1. Customers who Order Domain Privacy Protector have elected to include the following information in the publicly available WHOIS Registry:
    1. The Registrant and Contacts name(s) shall appear as Domain Privacy Protector Ltd.
    2. The postal address, assigned email address, and telephone number shall appear on behalf of the Registrant and the Contact(s) as Domain Privacy Protector Ltd.
    3. The original date of registration and the expiration of each domain name.
  2. The Customer agrees and understands that the registrant and Contact Information that is provided for the purpose of domain name registration will be kept on file. The Customer further agrees and warrants that they will ensure that the WHOIS Information is true, accurate and up to date.
  3. The Customer will retain complete control over the domain name and its registration records and may suspend Domain Privacy Protector at its discretion through the Account Control Panel.
  4. Domain Privacy Protector may be used with both new and existing domain name registrations. The Customer may use Domain Privacy Protector with respect to a domain name that has been transferred but it will only commence after the transfer has been completed.
  5. The Customer agrees and understands that the Domain Privacy Protector must be disabled in order to initiate the transfer and that registrant and Contact Information that was masked by Domain Privacy Protector will become publicly accessible via the WHOIS service.
  6. Renewal and transfer related messages will be sent to the contacts as defined in the Contact Information designated by the Customer at the Initial Order and/or subsequently updated in the Account Control Panel.
  7. Communications received with respect to a particular domain name registration will be handled as follows:
    1. Webforward will forward to the Customer all correspondence received by registered mail or traceable courier. This information may be opened, scanned and emailed to the Customer. Regular postal mail will be discarded or returned to sender at Webforward's discretion.
    2. Email correspondence will be forwarded according to the Registrant contact specified by the Customer as they appear in Webforward's records.
    3. A voice mail message will advise all callers that inbound messages will not be accepted; calls will be directed to the web site where written messages will be forwarded according to your instructions.
    4. Webforward will only be responsible for forwarding communications where Domain Privacy Protector Ltd. details have appeared in the WHOIS and when your WHOIS Information is accurate, complete and up to date.
  8. Webforward shall have the right, at their sole discretion and without liability to the Customer or any of its Contacts, suspend or cancel your domain name and to reveal Registrant and Contact WHOIS Information in certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
    1. when required by law;
    2. in the good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to further determination of an alleged breach of a law;
    3. to resolve any and all third party claims including but not limited to ICANN's or a Registry's dispute resolution policy;
    4. to avoid financial loss or legal liability;
    5. Webforward believe that the Customer or one of its Contacts is using Domain Privacy Protector to conceal involvement with illegal, illicit, objectionable or harmful activities;
    6. transmit SPAM, viruses, worms or other harmful computer programs.
  9. The Customer agrees and understands that, in the event that Webforward receives a formal complaint, notice of claim or UDRP, that Webforward will have the right to disable Domain Privacy Protector pending final disposition of the matter.
  10. The Customer agrees that the term of Domain Privacy Protector product will run in conjunction with the term of any requested domain that the Customer wishes to register or any pre-existing domain that the Customer wishes to renew, as Customers will not be refunded for any period where Domain Privacy Protector is dormant.

Domain Parking

  1. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that domain names parked on the Webforward system which are not using the free web forwarding service will display an Webforward holding page and that said page may incorporate content advertising Webforward or third parties from time to time. The Customer may disable the domain parking page in the Account Control Panel.

Domain Dispute Resolution

  1. Customer's use of a domain name once registered may be challenged by a third party; if so, or if any other dispute arises the procedures laid down by the relevant registry will apply and these may include the suspension or revocation of a Customer's application for a domain name or the registration of a domain name allocated to Customer to a third party and Webforward will have no responsibility or involvement in relation thereto.
  2. The Customer acknowledges that, should any disputes arise out of the registration of any domain name(s), Webforward is acting under instruction by the Customer and therefore the Customer shall resolve any disputes in accordance with the respective Naming Authority's dispute resolution policies:

Web Hosting & Web Forwarding

  1. A description of the web hosting Services offered by Webforward can be found on the website at
  2. The Customer acknowledges that it has appropriate knowledge of how the internet functions, the systems and Services provided to it. The following examples are offered:
    1. Web Publishing requires a knowledge of HTML, properly locating and linking documents, FTP to upload web contents, graphics, sound, etc.
    2. CGI scripts requires a knowledge of the Linux environment and associated commands, PHP, Perl, file permissions etc.
  3. The Customer acknowledges that it has appropriate knowledge and what types of use and content are and are not acceptable, some of which are referred to in Clause 26.2 above and the AUP. The Customer acknowledges that Webforward shall have no obligation to:
    1. train the Customer or its staff on its use of the Services;
    2. manipulate any material which the Customer wishes to and/or does post on any web site or other system it operates or any communication which it issues or sends in connection with any Services; or
    3. validate, vet or edit such material for content, correctness, legality or usability.
  4. Customer warrants that it has the necessary knowledge referred to in Clause 26.3 above and acknowledges that it is not the responsibility of Webforward to provide such knowledge or to provide customer support unless otherwise agreed in writing with Webforward.
  5. Customer acknowledges and accepts that it bears sole responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content of all material appearing on its Website. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause shall apply to all material, whether posted on Customer's Website by or on behalf of Customer (whether by Webforward or a third party).
  6. Customer undertakes not to link to any Inappropriate Material from its Website.
  7. Customer agrees and understands that it is responsible for ensuring that the bandwidth for a Service does not exceed the allowances set as part of your Order or in the AUP.
  8. If the Customer bandwidth either exceeds the allowance set as part of your Service or reaches the point where it has an adverse effect on other customers Webforward reserve the right to:
    1. disable the Customer's site, without prior notice, until it can reduce its bandwidth usage; or
    2. charge the Customer for excess bandwidth usage, over and above the Service allowance, as published by Webforward from time to time.
  9. Customer either has sole ownership of all Intellectual Property Rights in such Material in each jurisdiction from which the Website may be accessed and/or has obtained full and effective licence(s) from all relevant third parties allowing Customer or a third party acting on behalf of Customer to use the Material and to permit its dissemination worldwide.
  10. Webforward shall retain the right at all times to refuse to post any Material and to suspend availability of the Web Forwarding, where an allegation of defamation or Intellectual Property Right infringement is made by a third party or place a link on the Website to another Website containing the alleger's version of events and/or to remove any Material already appearing on the Website which in the opinion of Webforward may under the laws of any jurisdiction from which it is possible to access the relevant Website:
    1. constitutes or would if posted constitute Inappropriate Material;
    2. breaches or would if posted breach Relevant Legislation or any other applicable regulations, standards or codes of practice (notwithstanding that compliance may not be compulsory); and/or
    3. harms or would if posted harm the reputation of Webforward in any way.

Email & Email Forwarding

  1. Customer undertakes that it will not (and will ensure that others under its control will not) via e-mail:
    1. transmit Inappropriate Material;
    2. infringe the Webforward AUP;
    3. Forge mail headers or any other information;
    4. Harass, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages.
  2. When sending e-mail, Customer acknowledges that it is responsible for complying with any Relevant Legislation.
  3. Customer acknowledges that Webforward is not responsible for the security of the contents of e-mail sent or received by Customer.
  4. Webforward will use its reasonable endeavors to ensure that messages are routed accurately and promptly but does not accept any liability for non-receipt, non-delivery or misrouting of e-mail or any other failure of the e-mail system.
  5. Where Webforward provide anti-virus and anti-spam Services for incoming e-mail, the Customer acknowledges that Webforward will endeavor to remove all viruses and spam, however Webforward make no warranty that all viruses and spam will be caught. Webforward accept no liability in the event that a virus or spam message reaches and/or reaches your computer.
  6. Webforward's policy is to respect the privacy of e-mail messages sent, received forwarded or otherwise dealt with by it and Customer acknowledges that Webforward will therefore not monitor, edit or disclose the contents of such messages unless required to do so by law or competent authority or to protect Webforward's rights and/or position.


  1. The following conditions shall apply to all Server hardware:
    1. Webforward will be the owner of the Server;
    2. The Server shall be installed and operated in a data centre by Webforward. Customer will have no right of physical access to the Server or the data centre;
    3. Webforward shall have no liability for any loss or damage to any data stored on the Server;
    4. Should Webforward become aware of a Server fault, Webforward will at their option repair the Server or provide an equivalent Server as a replacement as soon as practicably possible;
    5. Any replacement Server will be provided in the default configuration as the Server was originally supplied. Webforward do not warrant that any data, content or settings present on the original Server will be transferred to the replacement.
  2. Webforward may assign to the Server on a temporary basis a number of Internet Protocol Addresses ("IP Addresses") from the address space assigned to Webforward by RIPE. Customer acknowledges that the IP Addresses are the sole property of Webforward, and are assigned to Customer as part of the Service, and the Customer agrees that they will have no right to IP Addresses upon termination of this Agreement.
  3. Webforward reserve the right to change the IP Address assignments at any time.
  4. With regards to all software provided with the Server the Customer agrees it will not:
    1. Copy the Software;
    2. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software;
    3. Sell, lease, license, transfer or sublicense the Software or the documentation;
  5. Any third party software is supplied to the Customer on the basis of the relevant third party's license terms with which the Customer agrees to comply.
  6. Customer acknowledges that software in general is not error-free, and agrees that the existence of such errors will not constitute a breach of this Agreement.
  7. Regardless of whether the Customer purchases a data backup product, Webforward shall have no liability for any loss or damage to any data stored on the Server or backup mediums.
  8. Webforward recommend that Customers make a backup of all data on the Server regardless of whether they have purchased a data backup product.
  9. Clauses 26 and 27 shall apply to all Server Services.


  1. The Offer of free charity hosting Services are only available to registered UK charities.
  2. Domain name discounts are for new Customers only.
  3. Hosting discounts are available to new and existing Customers.
  4. Discounts on domain name transfer and registration Fees are for a maximum combined term of two (2) years.
  5. Domain names will be renewed at the standard renewal Fee.
  6. Webforward reserves the right to end this Offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without the prior notice or consent of the Customer.
  7. Reasonable usage applies


Acceptable Use Policy

  1. This policy contains guidelines on how the Customer shall use the Service. These guidelines give the Customer clear expectation as to what constitutes fair and reasonable account usage. The Customer acknowledges that it is bound by these guidelines as a user of the Service, in order that Webforward can operate a reliable Service for all of our customers.
  2. The purposes of the AUP include:
    1. To guarantee reliable service to our clients;
    2. To guarantee the security and privacy of both our systems and network and third-party systems and networks;
    3. To satisfy statutory requirements;
    4. To uphold our reputation as a responsible service provider;
    5. To promote the responsible use of the Internet, and to discourage any activities that reduce the value and usefulness of Internet services;
    6. To ensure the privacy and security of individual users.
  3. Conduct that violates law, regulation or the accepted norms of the Internet community (see Clause 35.2), whether or not expressly mentioned in this policy, is prohibited. Webforward reserves the right at all times to prohibit such activities including but not limited to instant termination of the Service without a refund.
  4. The following activities such as but not limited to infringe the Webforward AUP:
    1. Fraudulent activities;
    2. Phishing
    3. Unsolicited bulk e-mail (SPAM)
    4. E-mail or news bombing
    5. Usenet spamming
    6. Unauthorised access to third party accounts
    7. Network disruptions and other hostile activities e.g. DoS and DDoS
    8. Dissemination of computer viruses
  5. Customers may not engage in illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behavior, including but not limited to:
    1. Unauthorised access to or use of data, systems or networks, including any attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without express authorisation of the owner of the system or network;
    2. monitoring data or traffic on any network or system without the authorisation of the owner of the system or network;
    3. interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
    4. use of an Internet account or computer without the owner's authorisation, including, but not limited to Internet scanning (tricking other people into releasing their passwords), password robbery, security hole scanning, and port scanning;
    5. forging of any TCP-IP packet header or any part of the header information in an e-mail; or
    6. any conduct that is likely to result in retaliation against the Webforward's network.
  6. The Customer is responsible for providing and maintaining accurate and up-to-date contact information. Providing false data e.g. contact details or fraudulently using details e.g. credit card numbers is grounds for immediate termination.
  7. IRC robots or IRC sessions may not be run from Webforward's server accounts.
  8. Customers may not employ programs that consume excessive CPU time or storage space. Webforward reserves the right to terminate CPU intensive process.
  9. Customers may not use website hosting Services for back-ups, providing free hosting services or running proxies.
  10. Customers must safeguard their account passwords to prevent unauthorized access to their account.
  11. Webforward provides users with bandwidth, disk space and other resources, such as e-mail and/or file-transfer-protocol ("FTP") accounts, the amount of which is defined in Webforward's web pages describing the Services purchased at the time of purchase. In some cases, Webforward may not establish a specific amount of bandwidth, disk space and other resources, and refer to that as "Unlimited". In all cases, the services are intended for normal use only, and any activity that results in excessive usage that is inconsistent with normal usage patterns is strictly prohibited.
  12. Website hosting Services described as "Unlimited" allow the Customer unlimited server space for normal routine non-file-distribution web usage. For websites that allow downloading of video, audio or other files we reserve the right to impose a bandwidth limit of twenty-five (25) gigabytes per calendar month. Non-file-distribution usage will remain unaffected by any limit imposed on downloading of video, audio or other files.
  13. Webforward reserves the right to suspend, discontinue or delete the accounts of Customers whose use of disk space, bandwidth or other resources results in or presents the risk of degradation of service to other customers, regardless of the amount of disk space, bandwidth or other resources included in the Customers Service.
  14. The Customer agrees that all resource usage e.g. data-transfer, disk space, etc. shall not exceed the amounts defined in Webforward's web pages describing the Services.
  15. Webforward reserve the right to employ traffic shaping techniques on high usage customers and non-time-sensitive applications such as but not limited to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing.
  16. If the data transfer usage of the Service by the Customer is continuously and adversely affecting Webforward's network and the Service to other customers. Webforward reserve the right (at its sole discretion) to:
    1. disable the Customer's Service, without prior notice, until it can reduce its data transfer usage; or
    2. charge the Customer for excess data transfer at the rate published by Webforward in this Agreement from time to time;
    3. terminate the Customer's Service on thirty (30) days written notice.
  17. Customers should give Webforward at least forty-eight (48) hours notice of any resource intensive activities they wish to perform, so that adequate provisions can be made.
  18. Any decision made by Webforward in relation to its Services and the AUP shall be final.

Server Support Policy

  1. Our dedicated support advisors aim to provide you with responsive and professional assistance so that you can manage your Server effectively.
  2. Supported Services
    1. All of the user functions can be administered via the Server control panel (e.g. c-Panel, Plesk, etc.) and are therefore unmanaged. The customer can administer the server directly including; enabling and installing services, creating websites and installing third party programs etc. Webforward will be responsible for the server and infrastructure availability to ensure the smooth running of your server as you would expect.
    2. The support and operations staff will manage and monitor the network and hardware for the server. This is functionality outside the control of the customer, and any problems with these will be resolved by Webforward as quickly as possible.
  3. Core Services
    1. Services supported on our servers are:
      • Control Panel Web Server (i.e. needed to run c-Panel, Plesk, etc.)
      • Remote Access (SSH, Remote Desktop)
  4. Third Party Software
    Any software other than the core services and the software needed to run and manage the server (e.g. c-Panel, Plesk) is considered third party. Any support required for software that falls outside of this should be directed to the product vendor. All software upgrades are the responsibility of the customer.
  5. Fault Finding and Correction
    We will support and correct any issues arising with the server hardware and the underlying infrastructure but cannot offer assistance with the correction of software and application faults.
  6. Systems Monitoring
    We do not monitor the services running on a server. We will monitor the availability of our network and core systems. The customer will need to monitor specific services on the server as appropriate, using the monitoring tools available via c-Panel or Plesk, or using their own solution.
  7. Manual changes by User
    The consequences of using SSH or other remote access to make manual changes to the system or configuration files are the sole responsibility of the user. Webforward's support staff can assist with any server hardware faults except where they are the result of manual changes.
  8. Security
    All new servers are fully patched with all of the latest security updates at the time they are built. The customer will be responsible for ensuring that future security updates are installed on their server.
  9. Support Process
    Support requests should be submitted via phone or email. Urgent issues e.g. system down, should always be reported via phone for the quickest response. Email requests will normally be responded to within 24hrs. See the contact page for phone and email contact details.
  10. Support requests
    Should be initiated by individuals who have the server login credentials and the required knowledge to administer the server.
  11. Expert Engineer Support
    If you or your business do not have the in-house skills or resources to manage certain aspects of your server then our team of highly skilled engineers are on hand to help.

    Available: 09:00 - 17:00, Monday - Friday
    Charged at £100.00 per hour (minimum charge 1 hour)
  12. Online Resources
    We constantly add to and improve our support section to help provide a comprehensive resource that you can access in your own time.

    Alternatively, the c-Panel and Plesk websites contain a number of guides and tutorials as well as useful community forums.

Refund Policy

  1. The Customer shall request any refunds for Services to Webforward in writing, by post, fax or email, in accordance with Clause 19. In addition, the Customer may email a refund request to Webforward using the online email ticketing system available at
  2. If a set-up Fee is required to provision and/or configure the Service the set-up Fee can only be refunded prior to the commencement of provisioning and/or configuration of the Service.
  3. The following refund exclusions apply:
    1. Domain names that are successfully registered and/or renewed excluded from our refund policy as they incur a cost with the relevant registry and the registries offer no refund policy of their own;
    2. Promote your site is excluded from our refund policy;
    3. Auto Renewal of Services is also excluded from this policy. It is the Customers responsibility to cancel Services, using the Account Control Panel or by giving notice in writing , twenty-one (21) days prior to the end of the Initial term and/or subsequent renewal term.
  4. Valid refund requests will be processed within thirty (30) days of receipt of your request.

Moneyback Guarantee Policy

  1. Webforward pride themselves on providing high quality and reliable products. Our very knowledgeable and dedicated support team has extensive experience in supporting all of our web hosting products. For these reasons we are confident that you will be satisfied with the hosting product you have purchased and offer a 30 day Money Back Guarantee.

    If you are not completely happy with your web hosting purchase, please get in contact within 30 days of the activation of your account and/or Service to receive your money back.
  2. Guarantee applies to first time purchasers only.
  3. The thirty (30) day period begins when the Customer receives Service login information.
  4. Each Customer can only use the Money Back Guarantee once.
  5. Webforward considers that Customers upgrading from an existing package have already experienced the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
  6. Customers who exceed the included monthly data transfer for their account will be required to pay for any additional data transfer accrued at the rate published by Webforward in this Agreement from time to time.
  7. The 30 Day Money Back Guarantee does not apply to certain offers and promotions unless explicitly stated.
  8. Customers redeeming any promotional features associated to a product or Service will constitute a waiver of their 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
  9. Valid Money Back Guarantee requests will be processed within thirty (30) days of receipt of your request.

Privacy Policy

  1. Webforward are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
  2. Webforward collect information about you for two reasons:
    1. to track the contents of your shopping basket and process your order
    2. to provide you with the best possible service by analysing usage trends
  3. Webforward under no circumstances send out unsolicited e-mails and will always give you the chance to refuse any marketing e-mail from us.
  4. The type of information we will collect about you includes:
    • Your name
    • Postal address
    • Telephone number(s)
    • E-mail address
    • Credit/debit card details
  5. Webforward only require information that is necessary for transactions; you have the option to withhold any personal information that is not required for the transaction.
  6. Webforward does not pass on or sell any information we hold about you to third parties.
  7. Webforward will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.
  8. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by letter. If you find any inaccuracies we will delete or correct it promptly. Webforward follow the stringent rules of the Data Protection Act 1998 and Webforward, therefore, ensure that information about you is not damaged, destroyed or disclosed to a third party without your permission. However, to uphold this you must confirm you identity before we will disclose any information to you.
  9. The personal information which Webforward hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law.
  10. If Webforward intend to transfer your information outside the EEA (European Economic Area) we will always obtain your consent first. Webforward may use technology to save information on your computer through a session cookie that allows us to track your user and shopping basket details. You can usually modify your browser settings to prevent cookies being created/set, however by doing this you will not be able to order from our site.
  11. If you have any questions / comments about privacy, you should use the ticketing system on the contacts page or send a letter marked FAO: Privacy.

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